Sunday, June 22, 2008

Baby toads galore!

Remember the tadpole post? Well here are the toads..., there, and everywhere!
Aren't they adorable?
Ok, so maybe you have to be a frog/toad lover (hi Sara), or a mom to think these are cute (aren't ALL babies cute, moms?).
....and then there are some of you thinking that you would have to be a Mommy TOAD to think they are cute.
Oh well.
Ruby is trying to be as patient as possible with their growth, and looking forward to feeding them her swarm of gnats and flies (which I must say are not too bad this year...yet).


~Free said...

I love the baby toads!! How adorable.

Misty Forest Farm said...

Thanks, they are! But now we have to watch where we walk ...they really are everywhere and we feel bad thinking that we are smushing them.