Sunday, September 7, 2008

An awesome gift from nature.

As I was taking the wheelbarrow for a walk to the manure pile today, I noticed some very large leaves amongst some ferns. I thought: What a beautiful contrast! Then as I got a little closer: Uhhh, they look like pumpkin/squash leaves. And when I arrived at them: HEY!!! they ARE squash leaves! and blossoms! and HEY!!! there's even SQUASH!!!! How could this be??
Well, last fall I started to compost, but quickly decided not to because there is a local bear. When the goat pen was being built, my small mound of compost got tossed all over because it was in the way. I know that there must have been some butternut squash seeds in there because I LOVE them, and make them every fall with cream, parmesan, and thyme (yummy!). So these HOPEFULLY are butternut squash!
This is a very spiritual thing to me, God providing food, because I am somewhat disappointed that I didn't get the garden going in the spring, and am anxious to do some canning. I think it is a sign that all will be well here at Misty Forest Farm. (Honestly, it's like food from Heaven! and one of my favorites too!)


~Free said...

This is so exciting! Enjoy your squash :) I always have the desire to garden but not the dedication. This year, I bought a share in a local organic farm, and even that has been a spiritual experience for me, picking up my fresh vegetables each week. Growing your own must just feel miraculous.

Misty Forest Farm said...

Thanks Jean! Yes, it feels great. I love watching fruit/veggies grow, and they always taste so much better when you know exactly where they came from. Canning is a new experience for me, and I am SO excited to do it.
That is so cool that you bought a share in a farm! I always wanted to join a garden co-op.