Wednesday, October 1, 2008


About an hour ago Macrae turned his chair to face the window and climbed up in. About a half hour ago he started whining. He has buckled himself in.
I ask him if he wants to get down. The whines stop and I hear a little, "No."
The whining starts again.
I ask: "Do you want to eat? Drink? Draw? Go outside?" 
He replies with his cute little: "No." "No." "No." "No."
The whining continues.
I get up (several times now) and go ask him if I can help him get down.
He comes close to the edge of the tantrum cliff.
I sit back down.
Why do I feel helpless?


~Free said...

You're getting closer to tantrum-ville! Enjoy the ride! Bwahahaha...

Misty Forest Farm said...

LOL..."Bwahahaha".....that's exactly what it sounds like! Thanks, if the stage lasts too long I might end up in looney-land.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the joys of independence / indecisiveness! Who knows why these little men do what they do? I certainly don't :)