Saturday, February 20, 2010

Grooming Stand

Yesterday we made a grooming stand for the goats. It will make it much easier to trim their hooves and sheer them. I've been putting off buying one because they are very expensive, and thought we'd figure out how to make one with some of the stuff we have laying around here.
Tim had this old table that he made for his reptile business and it wasn't being used, just sort of getting in my way and annoying me (haha). Well it's the perfect height for the stand, but a little long. I thought maybe I would put a tub on the end of it to collect the mohair during sheering, but might end up cutting it in half. I'm so thankful I didn't ask Tim to burn the table before I found this use for it!
We fastened one board on the front and the other is able to swing down to allow the goat's head and horns to get to the feed bucket. Then it swings back and ties around the stationary one, keeping the goat from backing out. I added a hook for my hoof trimmers so that I always know where they are, and so they don't get used for cutting baling twine or wire (which I'm guilty of too....grabbing the closest sharp cutting tool around).

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